Golden Elixer: A kitchen staple for centuries

Is the talk of seed oils overtaking your social media, or is it just me?

The new hot topic in the wellness world is seed oils.

First, we were all converted to extra virgin olive oil for cooking. But now the conversation is about whether there are enough olive trees for this product's vast production, which leads to the question, What are we consuming?

Honestly, I've exited this conversation because I stopped using oil as my go-to cooking partner.

I’ve switched to Ghee.

Ghee has been used for thousands of years for cooking, religious ceremonies, and therapeutic purposes.

Ghee is clarified butter.

a.k.a. butter that has been boiled, and the milk solids and other liquids are removed.

After studying Ayurveda in Sri Lanka, Ghee has become my go-to cooking partner for many reasons, and these are a few of them.

Flavor Enhancement

Ghee is not just a cooking fat; it's a flavor enhancer. Its rich, nutty taste elevates the simplest dishes, from sautéed vegetables to a humble bowl of rice.

High Smoke Point

One of the key advantages of ghee is its high smoke point, making it ideal for cooking at high temperatures without burning. This makes it perfect for frying, roasting, or deep-frying your favorite dishes.

Health Benefits

Ghee is celebrated not only for its culinary merits but also for its potential health benefits. It's a source of healthy fats, contains fat-soluble vitamins, and is often tolerated by those with lactose sensitivities due to the removal of milk solids.

  • I love adding turmeric powder to my ghee. It adds an extra health benefit without adding another step to my routine.

Next time you go to restock your oil or buy another box of butter, look for Ghee instead!


A wellness practice that has lasted centuries


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